Myths about Manifestation and does it really work?

Do I believe in manifestation? 

You bet your sweet life I do but manifestation will NOT magically bring you all of your heart's desires and I’ll tell you why. But first let’s look at what manifestation actually is.

What exactly is manifestation?

It is a process where you channel your mind and thoughts towards a desired outcome. Many people phrase it as ‘thinking your way to a better life’.You can do it with vision boards where you collect pictures and look at them everyday. You can do it by reciting affirmations and repeating them regularly. You can do it by journaling and writing down what you want your best life to look like.

But does this process work and if so, how? I believe it does but there are a few myths that need busting.

5 Myths about manifestation.

Manifestation is just positive thinking and you can change your material circumstance by doing it.

  1. You need to let the universe know what your best life looks like. It will hear you and then respond but it will NOT give it to you. You cannot manifest your best life without doing the work to get what you want. If you want that new car, you cannot simply think it into existence. You can put it out there and then miraculously you can be guided towards ways that can make it happen but you have to take those steps yourself, which are hard. You must do the work…get the second job, learn to budget, cut back on your daily obsession with lunches out, leave the online purchases on the screen and put what you are saving into your ‘new car’ account. Manifesting can change your mindset BUT physically you still have to do the hard stuff to get the chocolates.

You have to manifest obsessively for it to work.

  1. Whoa this can actually be dangerous, especially for people with anxiety disorders. You do NOT have to recite things 33 times in the morning and 33 times at night for them to come true. You do not have to obsessively stay home and recite your mantra 1000 times in the mirror. Manifestation like all things in this world requires balance, not obsession. Also, if you are manifesting the wrong things and they do not come from a place of goodness and a desire to be better, there is no way they are going to come true. So firstly, no amount of manifestation will work if you are focusing on the wrong things. Manifestation from greed, or wanting to hurt another person, or manifestation that involves dishonesty, betrayal or arrogance will not come true or serve you, no matter how many times you recite it. Manifestation involves seeking things from the universe that will make you grow and be a better person. It is ok to want things, to desire a better life for yourself but it is also about balance, not being obsessive and getting those things through hard work and kindness to others.

Manifesting is a ‘cure all’ for illness and poor health.

  1. I was working in a primary school where a 12 year old girl had a stuttering problem. She was intelligent, bright and totally frustrated that her words wouldn’t flow as she wanted them to. One of the other students in the class said to her, ‘You could stop stuttering if you just thought about it. You just aren’t thinking properly about it.’ I saw the 12 year old girl's face drop and my heart sank too. We cannot manifest cures to cancer, cures to depression, cures to stuttering. We need real medical therapies to help us do that. This way of thinking can cause serious guilt issues for the person with the problem and further exacerbate it. There are lots of reasons why we may have a health condition, we need to understand why and not just think that we can positively think these issues away. Manifesting a healthy body is a good thing to do but then it’s all about following a process that takes you there.

Manifesting requires you to only focus on the good things.

  1. Manifesting allows you to look at what you really want for yourself. It can often spur you onto new dreams and realities but if you DO achieve your new dream and reality, you will first need to navigate the obstacles and overcome them. No one glides through life without challenges and no one achieves their hearts desires by NOT getting out of their comfort zone. If you think you are going to sit on the couch all toasty in your favourite hoodie and just think yourself into success, I’m sorry but it ain’t going to happen. You have to manifest what you want, then look at the obstacles in your way and then work out how to overcome them. Only then can you step towards the life you truly want for yourself.

Manifesting is new age baloney and doesn’t achieve anything.

  1. As mentioned above, personally I totally agree with manifestation and I do agree that it can achieve great things…but there are a few truths you have to follow. It’s important to map out what you truly want for yourself in this life. I believe in the process of writing it down, I believe in reading affirmations to make you feel good, I believe in morning rituals but I also believe that you have to design the way to get there. You can’t just think your blessed life into reality. Life requires hard work, growth, sweat and tears, continual learning of new skills and brain expansion through acquiring new knowledge but most of all a good, rewarding life, requires service to others. Yes it does. Manifestation will be rewarded if you are working hard, if you are learning new things, if you are in fact evolving, if you are getting out of your comfort zone, if you are giving back, if you are generous and kind to others. The universe will propel you forward if you are a good person and give back to your family, your friends and society in general. 

So when you are manifesting your best life, ask yourself how you are serving people and if the answer comes easily then you are well on the way to a life well lived.

Manifest your best life, be brave and put it out into the universe BUT have the heart to do the things required to get you there.

All power to you.

You are in control of your life, always.

Have an amazing day Rockstars!

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